Roll ups are flexible communicative surfaces and a representation of our brand that works in almost any physical environment.
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These billboards are designed to tell about our brand. Billboards are made in the form of a billboard.
This makes it possible to make ads more accessible for viewing. The billboard has dimensions of 3x6 m, which allows you to place a large image on it. The logo or slogan of the company can be placed on the shield.

Layout 6x3 m

Layout 6x3 m

Layout 6x3 m
Informational billboards primarily tell about the project, branding is secondary in them. It can be billboards, streamers, signs, city formats and other media.
Do not forget that billboards should not have extraneous inscriptions.
Layout 6x3 m
Layouts can be combined to form a single strip, for example, for a fence.

Example of combining layouts
